The definition of the word smart that is found in the dictionary is having or showing a quick-witted intelligence. It can also mean sharp, clever, stylish, and in another way it means stinging or hurting.
I can, and I'm sure with practice lot's can.
"She was as smart as an owl" is one example.Another is "he is as smart as a doorknob".
Smart is an adjective; smart, smarter, smartest. Example sentences:My child is the smart one in the class!You do not smart mouth me.That is a really smart idea.
As smart as a whip is one of the most popular similes used to describe cleverness. As smart as a fox is another simile often used to describe cleverness.
My friend's last name was Smart.The girl was very smart. Though smart, he failed the test.
not applicable or pertinent
g oogle it
There is no defintition, because it's not a word.
An instrument that converts voice and other sound signals into a form that can be transmitted to remote locations and that receives and reconverts waves into sound signals. source: thefreedictionary
No they are politically a flower that has been improved since 1900!
Of course they are smart. They're not smart, right? So they are smart.
some parents maybe smart but they are really smart about 90% smart
born smart is were you are born smart is where its where you are smart since the day you were born but get smart is were you go to school and learn the hard way
six smart fellas.//this is allias no its 3 smart fellas A lot of "FART SMELLERS"!!! Its a tongue twister, say it fast and out loud.
No if you are smart you are born smart if you're not face it NO!
really smart