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To lessen the intensity of, to mitigate or relieve (hunger, emotion, pain etc.); To pacify or soothe (someone); (obsolete) To calm down, become less violent (of passion, hunger etc.); to subside, to abate

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Q: What is the definition of assuage?
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What is the definition of soothing?

tending to assuage pain

To make soft is the definition of what word?

The simplest is "soften". Other synonyms could be to cushion or to assuage.

Can you write a sentence with the word assuage?

This money should assuage your fear of poverty.The library will assuage her longing for knowledge. How can I assuage your sadness?

What is the prefix of assuage?

The prefix of "assuage" is "as-".

Use assuage in a sentence?

Assuage means to satisfy something. A good sentence would be, she had the opportunity to assuage her desire for a new pair of shoes.

What is the definition of the word assuage?

Assuaged is the past tense of the word assuage, which means to ease an unpleasant feeling or situation. It is synonymous to soothe, mitigate, allay, palliate, abate and placate.

Is assuage is a noun or adjective or verb or adverb?

'Assuage' is a verb.

How can I use the word assuage in a sentence?

These flowers might assuage her feelings.

What is a sentence using assuage?

The woman was attempting to assuage the screaming infant.

How can you write the word assuage in a sentence?

I tried to assuage my pain with an ice pack.

Use the word assuage and construct a sentence?

The therapist will assuage my broken heart.

Can you use assuage in a sentence?

Assuage means to satisfy a desire or appetite or to soothe an unpleasant feeling. She tried to assuage the guilt she felt by helping others.