Anti- is a prefix for climax.
Yes, it does. More accurately, it should.
i don't know but Ithink that it is a game plan or course of action
It can leave the reader unsatisfied
anticlimax in a sentence
what is a anticlimax A decline in disappointing contrast with a previous rise.
Anti- is a prefix for climax.
The anticlimax of the story was very boring!
The movie built up intense suspense throughout, but the ending was an anticlimax, leaving the audience feeling disappointed.
bathos, descent, letdown, disappointment
you just put it in wherever you like
He bought a house, a car, and then t.v.
"Bathos" is originally a Greek word for 'depth' , alos now a word meaning 'anticlimax'.
Ante or Anticlimax ,literally 'after the peak'