Gay wad means when 4 men are dating each other and 4 women are dating each other..
stipulative definition is stipulative definition
definition feasible region definition feasible region
the two types of definition are the formal and informal definition.
Definition for pry
what is the definition of suspense
a gaywad
cuz he is not.
Sop being a gaywad
a gaywad
el gaywad de stupid
pee water,who the hell wants to know that gaywad
the best choice is to consult a doctor,and don't do it again loserr, and if you did that then your a gaywad
Well, to be honest with you, I personaly think that your a gaywad to even ask such a question! Really, who picks up a farms waste? Why do you want to know? Are you interested.... Really PULL IT TOGETHER!!
it all depends how big you want it usally it takes 40 big ones! well the last on i did it took 43 and it turned out really kooli love you alot lolyou are a queer and a gaywad
Definition is the same as meaning.
stipulative definition is stipulative definition