Moisture; dampness; a moderate degree of wetness, which is perceptible to the eye or touch; -- used especially of the atmosphere, or of anything which has absorbed moisture from the atmosphere, as clothing.
The definition of humidity is: atmospheric water vapor content, expressed in any of several measures, especially,,, and Relative humidity is the ratio, in percent, of the actually in the air to the moisture it would hold if it were saturated at the same temperature and pressure. It is a useful index of dryness or dampness for determining, or absorption of moisture. See also Absolute humidity is the weight of water vapor in a unit volume of air expressed, for example, as per cubic meter or grains per cubic foot. Humidity mixing ratio is the weight of water vapor mixed with unit mass of dry air, usually expressed as grams per Specific humidity is the weight per unit mass of and has nearly the same values as mixing ratio.
The meteorological definition of fog is a cloud (stratus) which has its cloud base on or close to ground, and reduces visibility to less than 1000 metres. 100% humidity at ground level can be reached in different ways.
The humidity was so moist I was raining sweat (Hope that helps)
The noun humidity is a mass (non-count) noun, there is no plural form.
The rise in temperature of stored food-grains due to the growth of moulds and fungi and germination of stored food-grains under high humidity conditions of air is called wet heating or damp grain heating.
stipulative definition is stipulative definition
a tool that measures the humidity in the air
amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, or in a gas
The word, 'air conditioner' is a noun. The definition of air conditioner is a machine that controls the humidity and temperature of the air.
a body of air with horizontally uniform temperature, humidity, and pressure.
Rainfall is the amount of precipitation, in the form of water droplets, that falls to the Earth's surface. Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air. Wind is the movement of air caused by pressure differences in the atmosphere.
The term is air mass. It means a body of air with horizontally uniform temperature, humidity and pressure.
relative humidity
The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is known as humidity. Humidity can be expressed as specific humidity, relative humidity, or absolute humidity depending on the context.
It depends on where you are and what the conditions are like. humidty
relative humidity
The ideal humidity level for growing tomatoes is low humidity.