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Where pronounced (Ware) The easiest thing to remember about where is it has here in it and therefore is a place so using it in a sentence it always refers to a place. Usage Note:When where is used to refer to a point of origin, the preposition from is required: Where did she come from? From where I sit, the situation looks bleak. When it is used to refer to a destination, the preposition to is generally superfluous: Where is she going (rather than Where is she going to)? The place where they are going is beautiful.. When it is used to refer to the location of a person, event, or structure, the use of at is widely regarded as regional or colloquial: Where is the station (not Where is the station at)? Where he is, he has no access to a good library. See Usage Note at why. were pronounced (wer) Verb

the form of the past tense of be: used after we, you, they, or a plural noun, or as a subjunctive in conditional sentences [Old English wēron, wæron] USAGE: Were, as a remnant of the past subjunctive in English, is used in formal contexts in clauses expressing hypotheses (if he were to die, she would inherit everything), suppositions contrary to fact (if I were you, I would be careful), and desire (I wish he were there now). In informal speech, however, was is often used instead.

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