The spelling for praise is "a compliment" (He gave me a beautiful compliment about my dress.)The similar word is accomplishment (He was very proud of his accomplishment in learning to play the guitar.)
achievementfulfillmentrealizationfeatconsummationcoupsuccessdeedfiat accomplia feather in ones capa jewel in ones crownThe word accomplishment is a noun. Another word for accomplishment is attainment. Other synonyms for accomplishment are realization, proficiency, effecting, and capability.
The word "accomplished" is the past participle, past tense of the verb to accomplish, a word that tells what the subject of the sentence did.The word "accomplished" also functions as an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.Example uses:Jason accomplished his goal of finding an intern position. (verb)Your professor is an accomplished author. (adjective)
Yes, the noun 'accomplishment' is a common noun, a general word for something achieved, or accomplished successfully; a general word for a skill or ability to do something very well; a word for any accomplishment of any kind.
The likely word is "congratulate" (to commend on an occasion or accomplishment).
The root word for "effective" is "effect," which comes from the Latin word "effectus," meaning "accomplishment" or "fulfillment."
Example sentence for the noun 'accomplishment':His accomplishment gave him a lot of satisfaction.
Becoming President is quite an accomplishment.
The spelling for praise is "a compliment" (He gave me a beautiful compliment about my dress.)The similar word is accomplishment (He was very proud of his accomplishment in learning to play the guitar.)
Accomplishment has four syllables. Ac-comp-lish-ment
Yes the word accomplishment is a noun. The plural form is accomplishments.
Even if you aren't among the first 100 people to finish the marathon, being able to run 26 miles is still a big accomplishment.accomplishment was never my destiny. They were worried about accomplishment of the mission.
Achievement is an example.