A synonym would be frequent. An antonym would be rare.
Oh ... oh my gosh, I can't believe it. Someone asked for an antonym for a word that actually has an antonym; do you have any idea how rare that is?The antonym for replenish is "deplete".
what is the opsosite of common? what is the opsosite of common?
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
what is an antonym for veranda?what is an antonym for veranda?
uncommon, rare
Uncommon, rare.
Rare, uncommon
lacking, rare, scarce, sparse
A synonym would be frequent. An antonym would be rare.
Oh ... oh my gosh, I can't believe it. Someone asked for an antonym for a word that actually has an antonym; do you have any idea how rare that is?The antonym for replenish is "deplete".
what is the opsosite of common? what is the opsosite of common?
Rare means uncommon, or unusual. So an obvious antonym ( opposite ) would be common. Other opposites are frequent, occuring , etc.. practically any word that shows multiples.
Normal, regular, lots, recurring, common, repeated, numerous, everyday, daily and abundant.Common, (usual, normal)common, frequent