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Q: What is the antonym of display?
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Would display be an antonym for dispel?

No because display=show, and dispel=drive off. Gather is a nice antonym for dispel, though.

What is the antonym for diplay starting with c?

The word would be concealment. Concealment is the antonym for display that begins with c.

What is a synonym and antonym of array?

Synonyms for array are display, arrangement, line up, or collection. Antonym is the opposite: disarray, random.

What is the antonym for sashay?

unmovement, unsashay, unexcursion, stable, froze, statue, display

Is Sparse an antonym for flaunt?

No sparse means little Flaunt means to display something in a bragging like style.

Antonym of display?

yes. Antonym: noun: A word that means the opposite of another word. Synonym: noun: A word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word. Display: verb: To make something visible or available for others to see. Display Synonyms: show, exhibit, put on show, present, put on view, demonstrate, expose, reveal, expose, disclose, indicate, bare, parade, show off, flaunt, flash, flourish. Display Antonyms: hide, conceal, veil, bury, cover, cover up, obscure, suppress, screen, shroud, withhold

What is the antonym of promenade?

promenade is a leisurely walk taken for pleasure,display the synonyms for promenade are:wander, walk the antonyms for promenade are:calm,still,no-show off

What is antonym of the word synonym?

The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.

What is antonym for synonym?

An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.

What is an antonym for veranda?

what is an antonym for veranda?what is an antonym for veranda?

What is an antonym for 'from'?

The antonym for from is to. Because antonym means opposite.

What is the antonym for when?

now ____________ The word when does not have an antonym. Not every word has an antonym.