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The word square is an adjective, as well as a noun or verb.

Geometric adjectives include quadratic.

The verb to square has the past participle squared, which can be an adjective.

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You can say " tetragon " but it's used and for any other 4 angles figure!

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Pointed, Angular, Quadrilateral, Straight, Right Angled, Sharp

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This sentence is for you, square.

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Q: What is the adjective of square?
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Can square be a noun?

The word square can be a noun or an adjective. If it describes the shape of an object, it is an adjective.

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What part of speech is square?

Squarely is an adverb.

What is the antonym of square?

For the noun, "square", there really is no such thing. For the adjective, in a way, "round" or "rounded" are antonyms.

What is the Hebrew word for square?

square (noun referring to shape) = ribu'a (ריבוע) square (adjective) = ravu'a (רבוע) square (noun meaning plaza) = kikar (ככר)

What is the adjective form of market?

Although the word market is usually a noun or a verb, market can be used as an adjective, such as market price or market square. Another form of adjective is marketable.

How long is District of Columbia in square feet?

The area of the District of Columbia is 68 square miles = 1,895,731,200 square feet."Long" is an adjective used with distance, not with area.

Is the word shape an adjective?

No. Shape can be a noun (e.g. "That shape is a circle") or a verb (e.g. being able to shape something). The word shaped is an adjective, e.g. That picture is square-shaped.

Why is a set square called a set square even though it is a triangle?

A set square is known as a set square and not triangle because when you divide 180 by 4, then you get 45. Now, if you construct a square with side: 45 degrees and then divide it in half, then you get the measurement 45-45-90.

Is squared an adjective?

Yes, it can be, literally or metaphorically (square peg, a square meal, a square deal). The word square can also be a noun (various things of that shape) or a verb (to make square, or to multiply a number by itself).

What is the adjective that's meaning in the shape of?

It could be an adjunct (adjective), as in sculpting class or sculpting tools. Sculpting is a verb form and gerund (noun).