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"Current" is the adjective - ""keep abreast of current events"".

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Q: What is the adjective of current?
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Related questions

Is currently an adjective?

No, it is not. Currently is the adverb form of the adjective current (occurring now, in the present time).

Is the word current a preposition?

No, it is not a preposition. It is a noun or an adjective.

What are the two meanings of current?

Adjective: relating to the present time. "Our current president is ..." Noun: A movement of something. "An electrical current", "A current of water".

What part of speech is current?

The word current is a noun and an adjective. The noun form is fluid that moves continuously in one direction. The adjective form means to be occurring at the present time.

How do you use current as a noun?

The word current is an adjective (at the present time, occurring now) and a noun (a stream of water or air in motion); for example: Adjective: The current President of the US is Barack Obama. Noun: The current took the little paper boat around a bend and out of sight.

Is the word later an adjective?

No, "later" is an adverb. It is used to refer to a point in time that is subsequent to the current time.

How do you use and adjective in a sentence using the word current?

That house was peculiarly current and modern. Hope that makes it clear -oscar

Is new a preposition?

No, "new" is not a preposition. It is an adjective used to describe something recently created, discovered, or in a current state.

Is the word modern an adjective?

Yes, "modern" is indeed an adjective. It is used to describe something that is current, up-to-date, or characteristic of the present time.

Is nowadays an adjective?

"nowadays" is an adverb that refers to the current time or present period. It is used to describe something that is happening in the modern era or recent times.

Is news an adjective?

No, "news" is a noun that refers to information about current events.

Is elsewhere adjective?

No, it is not. Elsewhere is an adverb meaning in some other location that the current one, or the specified one.