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leaky or leaking as in leaky faucet or leaking faucet.

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Q: What is the adjective for the word leak?
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What word starts with a letter R and describes a gas leak?

The smell from a gas leak reeks. The adjective begins with the letter r.

What is the anagram of the word leak?

Anagrams of the word "leak" are:KaleLake

Is leak a synonym of clandestine?

No, the noun leak is not a synonym for the adjective clandestine.The noun leak is a word for a hole or crack in an object or container that a liquid or gas can escape; the liquid or gas that comes out of a hole or crack; an occasion when private or secret information is permitted to escape, usually with prejudicial effect.The adjective clandestine describes a noun as something secret or done secretively, and often illegal; for example a clandestine meeting or a clandestinerelationship.

What is the noun related to the word verb suspect?

The word 'suspect' is a noun, a verb, and an adjective. EXAMPLES: noun: The police interviewed the suspect for hours. verb: We suspect that a leak in the roof caused these stains. adjective: The suspect information should be investigated further. A noun form for the verb to suspect is suspicion.

What part of speech is leisurely?

It is an adjective.It is a an adjective.

Is the word a noun or adjective?

A word is a thing. The word 'word' is a noun.

What kind of adjective is the word this?

The word this is a demonstrative adjective.

Is the word parked an adjective word yes or no?

no it is not an adjective

Is the word beautiful an adjective?

The word beautiful is an adjective.

Is the word kicking an adjective?

kick is not an adjective it is a verb

How do you say leak in French?

The verb "To leak" is "Fuir". A leak is "Une fuite".

Is the word able an adjective?

No, the word able is not an adjective.The word beautiful is an adjective.