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The abstract noun form for the adjective brief is briefness.

A related abstract noun is brevity.

The word brief is also a concrete noun as a word for a document giving the facts of a legal case; a short written account of something.

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Q: What is the abstrcact noun for adjective brief?
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What part of speech is the word brief?

The word "brief", depending on context, can be either a verb, a noun, or an adjective.

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Determiner Adj Noun Adj Phrase Adj Clause Predicate?

Yes brief is an adjective. The word brief can describe something.

Is the word moment an adjective or a noun?

The word "moment" is primarily used as a noun to refer to a brief period of time. It can also be used as an adjective in certain contexts to describe something as significant or important in relation to a particular time.

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What adjective is formed from the noun?

Examples of adjectives that are formed from a noun are:air (noun) - airy (adjective)artist (noun) - artistic (adjective)beauty (noun) - beautiful (adjective)blood (noun) - bloody (adjective)fish (noun) - fishy (adjective)hope (noun) - hopeful (adjective)length (noun) - lengthy (adjective)memory (noun) - memorable (adjective)politics (noun) - political (adjective)thought (noun) - thoughtful (adjective)use (noun) - useful (adjective)water (noun) - watery (adjective)

Another word for brief?

If brief is used as an adjective, other words for it would include 'short' or 'succinct'. If used as a noun another word for it might be 'instructions'.

Is circle an adjective?

No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.

Is brief a noun or verb?

It could be either, depending on how the word is used.Noun: A brief can be a single document that summarizes a group of documents.The term "briefs" is also used to describe a type of underwear.Verb: To brief someone is to give them a quick verbal synopsis.The word brief can also be used as an Adjective(something that is short or concise can be described as brief) or an Adverb (briefly).