abbreviation for grams is g
"lb" is the abbreviation for pound. "Libra" is the Latin word for pound or scales. The Roman pound was 327.168 grams. The modern pound is 454 grams.
The abbreviation of "have not" is "haven't."
The abbreviation of electron is e−.
There would be no abbreviation for Houston, but the abbreviation for Texas is TX.
abbreviation for grams is g
The abbreviation for grams is "g".
The abbreviation for grams is "g."
The abbreviation for the plural form of gram (grams) is g.
The abbreviation for grams is "g."
The abbreviation for decigram - a unit of mass equal to 0.1 grams - is dg.
One decagram is equal to ten grams. The abbreviation for decagram is dag.
The abbreviation for grams is g.
The abbreviation g stands for grams, therefore it is equal to 12345 grams.