Duw a'th fendithio. (May God bless you.)
Bendith Duw arnat. (The blessing of God on you.)
God bless = Duw a'ch bendithio
Bendith Duw ar fam
Duw a'th fendithio. Bendith Duw arnat.
The usual expression would be [Da bo chi] . This means 'May good things happen to you' and is often used as an alternative to 'Goodbye' in Welsh. ---- If you want the literal translation of [May God bless you] that is: Duw a'ch bendithio or Duw a'th bendithio (this form is only when you are speaking to one person who is a close friend).
Wo do me? Pronounce the "do" as in "dot".
God bless = Duw a'ch bendithio
Bendith Duw ar fam
Duw a'th fendithio. Bendith Duw arnat.
god bless
To bless is bendithio; [ben DITH yo]Duw a'th fendithio (May God bless you.) [diu ath ven-DITH-yo]A blessing is bendith. [BEN dith]
The usual expression would be [Da bo chi] . This means 'May good things happen to you' and is often used as an alternative to 'Goodbye' in Welsh. ---- If you want the literal translation of [May God bless you] that is: Duw a'ch bendithio or Duw a'th bendithio (this form is only when you are speaking to one person who is a close friend).
God bless you in ilocano?
god bless you.
god bless you
It means, "God bless you and your family always."
God bless you = Gott segne dich (God) bless you! (after a sneeze) = Gesundheit!
God bless, or God bless you.