In Irish Gaelic 'le dea-mhéin' In Scottish Gaelic:
The correct spelling is Gaelic (Scottish or Irish dialects).
"My wife and my love". The graidh looks like it is misspelled, it's grá in Irish Gaelic, and possibly gràdh in Scottish Gaelic.
This name is of Scottish Gaelic origin. It comes from a Scottish surname and a place name which probably meant "garden of hollies".
Sluagh-ghairm is a Scottish warcry in the Scottish Gaelic language. In bygone times twas often cried during battles by the gaels
It is mac in Scottish Gaelic.
The Scottish Gaelic for 'brother' is bràthair.
It is òran in Scottish Gaelic.
in Scottish Gaelic: facal.
The Scottish Gaelic is do charaid.
In Irish d'fhíorghrá;in Scottish Gaelic: ?
It's Scottish, but not Scottish Gaelic. Originally a Scots variant of Margaret.(Margaret is Mairead in Scottish Gaelic.)
In Scottish Gaelic: Albannach In Irish Gaelic: Albanach
ùr is the Scottish Gaelic for 'new'.
"Acceptance in Scottish Gaelic."
The Scottish Gaelic for 'puppy' is cuilean.
Fàilte is the Scottish Gaelic for 'welcome'.