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Pulse or Dried Beans.

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Q: What is the Punjabi word Dal when translated into English?
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What is 'dal' when translated from Italian to English?

"From the..." is an English equivalent of the Italian word dal. The word merges the preposition da ("from") with the masculine singular definite article il ("the"). The pronunciation will be "dal" in Italian.

What is 'e dal' when translated from Italian to English?

E dal... in Italian means "And from the..." in English.

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Dal primo all'ultimo in Italian means "from beginning to end" in English.

What is 'from your boyfriend' when translated from English to Italian?

Dal tuo ragazzo,or, alternatively dal tuo fidanzato.

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Calcio italiano dal 1910 in Italian is "Italian football since 1910" in English.

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Se lo so dal tuo bacio in Italian means "I know you by your kiss" in English.

What is 'chana dal' when translated from Punjabi to Portuguese?

Grão de bico indiano is a Portuguese equivalent of the Punjabi phrase chana dal. The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "Indian chickpea," in reference to the world-popular Punjabi dish of dried split yellow chickpeas. The pronunciation will be "grow djee BEE-koo een-DYA-noo" in Cariocan Brazilian and in continental Portuguese.

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Casa dal cuore is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "home from the heart." The pronunciation will be "KA-sa dal KWO-rey" in Italian.

What is 'Texas' when translated from English to Italian?

Texas is the same in English and Italian.Specifically, the word functions as an English loan word and a masculine proper noun of place in Italian. It is preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the"). The pronunciation will be "TEK-sehss" in Italian.

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Fino ad allora is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Till then." The phrase literally translates by word order into English as "until to that moment (that time, then)." The pronunciation will be "FEE-no A-dal-LO-ra" in Italian.