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Q: What is the French touche in English?
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What does touche mon frere mean in English?

The word Touche in french means:KeyIn English

What language does 'touche' come from?

The word "touché" comes from French. It is used as a polite acknowledgment during a conversation or debate, especially when someone makes a good point or a clever remark.

What is the translation in English for pas de touche?

pas de touche means: do not touch

What is 'touche' when translated from French to English?

"Touched" is a literal English equivalent of the French word touché. The masculine singular past participle most famously references acknowledgment of a well-turned, witty phrase in conversation and physical contact in fencing. The pronunciation will be "too-shey" in French.

How do you say touche in french?

"touching" (meaning "moving") = "émouvant" (masc. sing., émouvantes for fem. pl.)

What is do not touch in French?

Do not touch is "ne touche pas / ne touchez pas" in French.

What is the French word for touch?

toucher - to touch; as a noun, touche

How do you spell the french word touche?

The correct spelling is "touché".

How you say don't touch my food in french?

ne touche pas à ma nourriture, ne touche pas à mon repas

How do you say will never forget your touch in french?

je n'oublierai jamais votre touche

What does touche mean in French?

"Touche" means "touched" in French, but it is commonly used in the context of fencing to acknowledge a hit by one's opponent. It can also be used in a more general sense to acknowledge a valid point made in a discussion or argument.

What is the meaning of 'En garde touche'?

Well, En Garde means "On guard" French. It is said before a duel sword fight, I think. Touche means either "touch" or "keys". Touche does indeed mean touch, it signifies a "kill" and the end of the match.