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In French, "Le temps est nuageux", "le ciel est nuageux" mean that "it's cloudy". 'Il fait nuageux' is grammatically correct but this is not a sentence a native speaker would use.

Native speakers would use "Il fait gris" (It's grey) - notice that this form may sound incorrect but is in fact coming from "Il fait un temps gris" (which would sound strange for the natives).

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Q: What is the French 'Il fait nuageux' in English?
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What is 'Il fait nuageux' when translated from French to English?

"It's cloudy" and "It's overcast" are English equivalents of the French phrase Il fait nuageux. The declarative statements translates literally as "It is doing/making cloudy" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel feh nwa-zhuh" in French.

How do you say its cloudy in french?

To say "it's cloudy" in French, you would say "Il fait nuageux."

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Il fait froid in French is "It is cold" in English.

What does il fait neageux mean?

le ciel est nuageux > the sky is cloudy (nuage = cloud) un temps neigeux > a snowy weather (neige = snow) We can say 'il fait froid / il fait chaud / il fait du soleil' (it is cold / hot / sunny) but 'il fait neigeux / il fait nuageux' are not used in speech. Not that they are not correct, but that would be odd to say.

What does il fait mean in English?

"Il fait quoi?" is French for "What is he doing?" or "he does what?".

What is the French word meaning cloud?

cloudy is nuageux, nuageuse in French. le ciel est nuageux (the sky is cloudy), la nuit était nuageuse (the night was cloudy)

What does il fait quoi mean in English?

"Il fait quoi?" is French for "What is he doing?" or "he does what?".

What does the french word fait means in English?

done - (il) fait - he does

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What does il fait sombre mean translated in English?

"il fait sombre" means "it's dark" when translated from French to English

What is 'Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui' when translated from French to English?

- il fait très beau, il y a du soleil (the weather is fine, it is sunny) - le ciel est nuageux mais la température est douce (the sky is cloudy but the temperatures are mild) - il VA pleuvoir, il pleut averse (it's going to rain, it's raining in a downpour)

What does il fait du soleil mean in english?

Il fait du soleil means "it is sunny" in French.