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bianco = white

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Q: What is the English word for the color bianco?
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What color is Bianco?

"Bianco" is the Italian word for "white." It is often used to describe a bright, clean, and pure shade of white.

What color is bianco in Italian?

Bianco in Italian translates to "white" in English.

What colour is Bianco?

Bianco is Italian for the color white.

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word color?

The Kikuyu word for the English word color is "rangi."

In what country did the word color originate?

The English word "color" has been relatively unchanged from its Latin roots. The Latin word for color is also "color," and entered into the English language from the Old French "color," from which there also originated the British English spelling of the word.

What is 'the white' when translated from English to Italian?

"The white" in English is il bianco in Italian.

What is the Italian 'mal bianco' in English?

"Powdery mildew" is an English equivalent of "mal bianco" (Erysiphelas order).The Italian word "mal" is a masculine noun. It means "sickness, pain, evil, ache." Its singular definite article is "il" ("the"), and its singular indefinite article "un, uno" ("a, one"). The masculine adjective "bianco" means "white."Together, the pronunciation is "mahl BYAHN-koh."

What is the Italian phrase 'vino bianco' in English?

"White wine" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase "vino bianco."Specifically, the masculine noun "vino" means "wine." The masculine adjective "bianco" means "white." The pronunciation is "VEE-noh BYAHN-koh."

How is the B sound in the Italian word bianco?

Without the aspiration (breaths) of English and without the indeterminacy between the letters "b" and "v" of Spanish is the sound "B" in "bianco" and in fact in all other Italian words that contain the letter "B."Specifically, the Italian word "bianco" means "white." It may be either a masculine singular adjective or noun depending upon context. The pronunciation is "BYAHN-koh."

What is 'white' when translated from English to Italian?

"White" in English is bianca in the feminine and bianco in the masculine in Italian.

Is color American word?

Color is American - colour is English

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'white'?

Bianca in the feminine and bianco in the masculine can be Italian equivalents of the English word "white".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. The feminine form is pronounced "BYAHN-kah". The masculine equivalent is pronounced "BYAHN-koh" in Italian.