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Q: What is the English word for cibus?
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How do you translate the word food into Latin?


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The Latin word for supper is coena.

What is the Latin translation for food?

Cibus pro itinere

What is the latin name for food?

The Latin word for food is "cibus."

What does the word cibus mean?

Go on omg people are lazy

What is 'food' in Latin?

Cibus cibus The Latin for food is victus, victus m. 4th

What is the Latin word for table?

mensa. You could say, cibus est in mensa (The food is on the table).

What is the declension for cibus?


What is the roman word for music?

The Latin equivalent of the English statement 'Music is food for the soul' is the following: Musica est cibus pro anima. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'musica' means 'music'. The verb 'est' means '[he/she/it] is'. The noun 'cibus' means 'food'. The preposition 'pro' means 'for'. And the noun 'anima' means 'soul'.

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Latin word meaning hunger?

Yes. Comedere. It's the infinitive of the verb: to eat.Verbs in Latin conjugate in a variety of ways. There are four basic conjugations which are referred to as their four principle parts. Comedere is the 2nd principle part: the infinitive.Latin verbs also contain properties such as mood, voice, tense, participle.The word comedere is in the active voice, present tense, indicative mood. The basic active paradigm then is:Comedo I eatComedisyou eatComedithe/she/it eatsComedemus weeatComedetis you alleatComedent they eatSo if I write: comedo piscis. I am saying, "I eat fish." But if I want to say, "They ate fish," then I would have to write:Comedebant pisces. because I have changed the tense to imperfect (past) and thus the verb ending and noun case changes.

Shortest English word?

The shortest English word is 'a'.