Mocha is not a French word.
a wristwatch
une chaumière
clay is translated 'argile' (fem.) in French.
The French translation for the English word 'yes' is oui. The French translation for the English word 'yes' is oui.
The English translation for the French word "sec" is "dry."
Jumeaux. If they were twin girls the word would become jumelles.
Mocha is not a French word.
Conjuguer is a French equivalent of the English word "conjugate."Specifically, the French word is a verb. It is the infinitive in its present form. The pronunciation will be "koh-zhyoo-ghey" in French.
The French word for 'usually' is: d'habitude
The English translation of the word bureautique is 'office automation'. The word bureautique is a French word. This particular French term is also a feminine noun.
Translation: Competition OR Tournament
The English translation of the French word bibliotheque is "library". Don't mix it up with the French word "librairie" (same sound and root, but indicates a bookshop)
Sorry, there is no French word translation for the English word "Manchester".