it means: word menu.
The English meaning of the word THANIMA is UNIQUE.
English meaning of word mezban is Host
Aluminum is the English meaning of the unscrambled word mimnluau.
Boron is the English meaning of the unscrambled word roonb.
'mots cachés' means 'hidden words' in English. A 'grille de mots cachés' would be 'a word search grid' or 'word search puzzle' in English.
it means: word menu.
The English meaning for the word mtorongyeM is motormen.
The English meaning for the word ihePxon is Phoenix.
The English meaning for the word eicRtLkolt is collier.
The English meaning for the word aGdnear is danger.
The English meaning for the word oeGeualdup is Guadalupe.
The English meaning for the word aGdnear is danger.
The word is "mots" (plural of "mot")
The English meaning of the word THANIMA is UNIQUE.
The English word that means "to stick out" is "protrude."
Barium is the English meaning of the unscrambled word urbima.