The priest is also a teacher as well as awriter They have big contributions to the English literature. In the olden times, priests write manuscripts/scriptures concerning their religion or beliefs. They even write about their findings or discoveries, because in those times priests also serve as 'scientists', 'laboratory workers'. Some even write about the history of their country; one such was the Venerable Bede. He wroteThe Ecclesiastical
History of the English Nation. Some of the old manuscripts are being kept and preserved in museums for exhibits as well as for further studies about it.
Literacy (the ability to read and write) was relatively rare in England before about the Sixteenth Century: schools were expensive and ordinary families were unable to send their children to them.
One of the few ways a child from an ordinary background could learn to read and write was to follow a religious vocation: as a priest or monk he would be taught to read and write - if only so that he could copy out religious texts in a scriptorium.
Because of this, much early English literature is composed by priests or monks. Orm's Ormulum (before 1200) is probably the first poem in modern English, and priests continued to be over-represented among writers at least until the time of William Langland (1380's).
One of the reasons Chaucer is so important is that he has no particular religious affiliation at all - he is one of the first important English poets to come absolutely from the laity.
Literature in English is the writing written in English, but English in literature is the overall English literature that there is in the general category of "literature."
There is English grammar and there is English literature. Literature is reading.
Not many recognisable things no, King William influenced our language the most by bringing in the french. Our language would be very different if he did not become King.
At secondary school there was English language and English literature. English language was punctuation etc. English literature was popems, stories etc.
You should get at least a C in English Language, but you do not need to have an English Literature qualification, although it is very useful for the future. A C in both English Language and Literature will open many doors for future career prospects.
Geoffrey Chaucer's nickname was the "father of English literature" due to his significant contributions to English poetry during the Middle Ages.
Literature in English is the writing written in English, but English in literature is the overall English literature that there is in the general category of "literature."
Ralph Waldo Emerson played a pivotal role in the creation of a uniquely American literature. In other words, he helped America break away from imitating and reading English literature.
Winston Churchill wrote A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 for his historical writings, speeches, and overall contributions to literature.
Old English poets made significant contributions to literature by preserving the oral traditions and history of their people through epic poems like Beowulf. They also helped to shape the English language by experimenting with different forms of verse and meter. Additionally, their works provided insights into the cultural values, beliefs, and customs of the time.
There is English grammar and there is English literature. Literature is reading.
Samuel Johnson is known for his influential work as a lexicographer, particularly his compilation of "A Dictionary of the English Language." He also made significant contributions to English literature through his essays, poetry, and biographies. Johnson's critical writing, including his work on Shakespeare, has had a lasting impact on literary criticism.
Yes, the Bronte sisters were born in England and are considered European. They are best known for their contributions to English literature.
Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the father of the English language because of his significant contributions to English literature through works like "The Canterbury Tales". He played a key role in popularizing and developing Middle English as a literary language, making it more acceptable for use in literature. Chaucer's works helped to establish English as a language of poetic and literary merit.
Joshua Scodel has written: 'The English poetic epitaph' -- subject(s): Death in literature, English Laudatory poetry, English poetry, Epitaphs, Funeral rites and ceremonies in literature, History and criticism, Literature and society, Praise in literature 'Excess and the mean in early modern English literature' -- subject(s): Classical influences, English Didactic literature, English literature, Ethics in literature, History, History and criticism, Literature and society, Moderation in literature, Polarity in literature, Temperance in literature
Sir Philip Sidney is important in the history of English literature for his significant contributions to the development of the English sonnet sequence and his work "The Defence of Poesy," which defended the importance of poetry and literature. He was also a key figure in the Elizabethan court and his writings reflected the ideals of Renaissance humanism.