The translation for 'cherry blossom tree' in Chinese is '樱花树' or 'ying hua shu'.
Unfortunately it is not possible to insert the correct symbols for accents above the letters to give the exact Chinese translation of "Glad I can help". Without the accents the translation is: "Hen gaoxing wo keyi bang"
Farewell. it means farewell. farewell is the meaning. got it?
A paper tiger( a loan-translation from Chinese).
SDL FreeTranslation has everything you need for chinese translation. This is translate web pages and translate text from English to Chinese. For professional, human translations in Chinese see Click2Translate and get a qutoe.
Tagalog translation of farewell: paalam
traditional chinese= 告別simplified chinese= 告别
Farewell My Concubine
tofa soifua
Farewell, Sweetheart
Ciao (pronounced "chow") (good-bye)
Goodbye; farewell.
The English translation of the Chinese word 'mushu' is usually 'wood shavings' or 'sawdust'.
Soifua means "well". When one says Tofa Soifua, they are bidding you farewell.
the Chinese translation for cherry blussom bird is:ying hua niao
In chinese translation "professional translation" means "专业翻译". 专业 zhuān​yè​ 翻译 fān​yì​