In short, no such thing exists.
The closest thing would be cf. which means compare, but that is used mostly to site things.
Example sentence for usage: While cars are required by law to stop at stop signs (Vehicle Code section 1234 ["Cars must stop at stop signs"]), but unicorns are not (cf. Vehicle Code section 5678 ["Unicorns are not required to stop at stop signs"]).
Its basically used to site a source refuting a previously acknowledged point.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
the shorthand for a angry face :@
The only shorthand symbol I can think of for 'of' is o/.
GMTA is how you write "great minds think alike" in shorthand.
There really is no shorthand for unburnt petrol. However, if it must be abbreviated, it could be written as "unbnt. pet.".
You can use w/o. In medical shorthand without is a s with a line over it and with is a c with a line over it
The shorthand for schedule is "sched."
"Ptf." is the shorthand for plaintiff.
The shorthand for hope is "HP."
"Longhand" refers to the process of writing by hand using complete words and sentences, as opposed to shorthand or typing. It is a method of writing that is generally done more slowly and intentionally compared to shorthand or typing.
Q&A is already shorthand for "question and answer."
the shorthand for a angry face :@
The shorthand symbol for transfer is "→".
The only shorthand symbol I can think of for 'of' is o/.
The triangle in shorthand means "therefore"
the shorthand for a crying face :'( Also, ='[ and ='( and :'[
Duployan shorthand was created in 1868.
Pitman shorthand was created in 1837.