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Because of its modern usage as a complaint, the synonym would be criticism.

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Q: What is negative feedback in one word?
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Related questions

Where can someone leave negative feedback on hotel stays?

One can leave negative feedback on hotel stays in many places. Many hotels have boxes near the door that hold slips where one can write feedback. Another place one can leave negative feedback is on yelp.

What is an example of a negative feedback in human body?

example of negative feedback example of negative feedback

What is counterproductive from feedback?

One thing that is counterproductive from feedback is when the person giving the feedback is not being honest. False negative feedback is more harmful.

Is an amplifier a negative feedback?

Yes, Amplifire have negative feedback.

Is blood pressure negative or positive feedback?

Is the clotting of blood an example of positive or negative feedback?

What is negative feedback of a closed loop system?

Negative feedback is a feedback where it is used in negative side in a closed loop system.Such as a inverting side feedback in op-amp.

What kind of feedback is used in emitter follower?

emitter follower is a type of negative feedback ,

What kind of feedback mechanism is it when it causes the initial stimulus to decline?

Negative feedback mechanism.

How does negative feedback work?

To remove the distortion ... ANSWER: It does not reduce distortion but rather make the circuit stable. There can be distortion even with negative feedback by bad design in other word feedback does not reduce distortion.

Definition of negative feedback and positive feedback?

A: Any feedback that contributes to the input is positive feedback any feedback that subtract from the input is negative feedback

What is the difference between feedback negative feedback a negative feedback response a negative feedback mechanism and a negative feed back loop?

Feedback refers to information provided in response to a stimulus. Negative feedback specifically refers to a response that works to counteract and reverse the original stimulus, maintaining a set equilibrium. A negative feedback response is the specific action taken to reduce the effect of the stimulus. A negative feedback mechanism is the overall process by which the body regulates and maintains internal balance. A negative feedback loop is the continuous cycle of detecting and responding to changes in order to maintain homeostasis.

What are the two types of feedback mechanisms?

they are positive feedback and increase activity negative feedback.