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No limit. No end. Infinity

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Q: What is limitedness?
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How can philosophy assist me?

Philosophy teaches the limitedness of knowledge and the attributed feelings and emotions.It assists in life to have a sane attitude towards events and circumstances.

what's the abstract noun for limitate?

The noun could be "limitedness" which is related to the abstract noun "limitation." There is a more common negative form, limitlessness.

What does to improve human life mean?

Freedom from the known knowledge is the first step to improve condition of living.Thought is conditional and to aware its limitedness is to improve human life.

What is the abstract noun for limited?

The noun could be "limitedness" which is related to the abstract noun "limitation." There is a more common negative form, limitlessness.

How is scarcity and choice link in economic?

scarcity is limitedness which leads to choice making whereby One good or service is chosen which leads to opportunity cost. The alternative foregone is opportunity cost."Opportunity cost" is when you forego or give up one thing that you want to get something else that you believe you want even more.In your personal life, let's say that you can afford EITHER a candy bar OR an ice cream bar; you CANNOT have both. When you select the ice cream, the candy bar that you can't have is the "opportunity cost".In business, things work pretty much the same way, but on a much larger scale. I work for a business that sells and services copiers and business machines. We're going to expand! I can EITHER afford to hire more technicians, OR I can afford to open a new sales office in the next city over. I cannot do both, RIGHT NOW. Do I hire more techs and give my existing customers better service, or do I grow my business by opening another sales office and hiring some salesmen? The choice that I do not make is the "opportunity cost".

What is the connection between multiculturalism and identity politics?

Many who have studied identity have explained that who a person is encompasses the breadth and depth of the life they live, have lived and will experience in the future. Conventional multicultural categorizations of are only pieces of the identity whole. The more expanded categorizations of gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, military affiliation, religion, education level, immigrant status, primary language, and physical/mental ability, still only get us part of the way there. Several experiences inform a person's identity and identity politics scholars have challenged the limitedness of identity categorizations solely based on culture. Society's "official" identity categories can be a way to know who someone is but those are not the only markers. There are ways in which perceptions of who we are develop regardless of those. For one thing, who someone believe she is can be very different from who others believe her to be. Sometimes the reason for this disconnect is because they have been forced to hide certain things about themselves because they learned to fear negative treatment for showing their true selves. In addition, identity can also be contextual; what is alive for someone at the moment that they're asked who they are. If asked who you are on the morning that you've had an argument with your son, for example, you may be very aware of your parent self. Identity is also contextual in the historical sense, i.e., how I describe myself today is not necessarily who I was five years ago or will be in ten years. .---- See, Valerie Batts, Is Reconciliation Possible? Lessons from Combatting "Modern Racism"

What 11 letter word ends with ness?

abusiveness, adaptedness, adverseness, agelessness, aimlessness, airlessness, airsickness, amativeness, amiableness, amorousness, amusingness, ancientness, animateness, anxiousness, arduousness, artlessness, assuredness, austereness, averageness, awesomeness, awkwardness, balefulness, bashfulness, beardedness, bearishness, beastliness, belatedness, betweenness, biliousness, bindingness, bizarreness, blessedness, bookishness, boorishness, boundedness, breathiness, brittleness, brusqueness, brutishness, bullishness, caddishness, callousness, capableness, carefulness, cleanliness, coltishness, compactness, complexness, conciseness, copiousness, cordialness, correctness, corruptness, costiveness, courtliness, crabbedness, crookedness, crowdedness, crumbliness, crunchiness, cultishness, cunningness, curableness, curiousness, currentness, cursiveness, cursoriness, darlingness, decidedness, deviousness, devotedness, diffuseness, distantness, diverseness, dividedness, doggishness, dolefulness, dollishness, doltishness, donnishness, doughtiness, drunkenness, dubiousness, durableness, dutifulness, earnestness, earthliness, elderliness, elusiveness, emulousness, endlessness, enviousness, equableness, erosiveness, eternalness, ethicalness, evasiveness, extremeness, factualness, faddishness, fatefulness, fatuousness, fearfulness, feelingness, fertileness, festiveness, fictiveness, fidgetiness, finicalness, finickiness, fittingness, flightiness, floweriness, folkishness, foolishness, foppishness, foreignness, foreverness, forgiveness, forlornness, forwardness, franticness, fretfulness, frowardness, fulsomeness, furtiveness, gainfulness, gaseousness, gawkishness, genericness, genteelness, genuineness, ghastliness, ghostliness, girlishness, glaringness, gleefulness, godlessness, godlikeness, gracileness, gradualness, graphicness, gristliness, grouchiness, growthiness, guardedness, gutlessness, haggardness, haplessness, harmfulness, hatefulness, haughtiness, hawkishness, healthiness, heedfulness, heinousness, hellishness, helpfulness, hideousness, hirsuteness, hoggishness, hopefulness, hurriedness, hurtfulness, ignobleness, immenseness, inexactness, ingrownness, inhumanness, initialness, instantness, intenseness, irksomeness, jealousness, jitteriness, joblessness, jointedness, joylessness, knowingness, laggardness, languidness, lastingness, lawlessness, learnedness, lengthiness, liberalness, likableness, liltingness, limitedness, lissomeness, literalness, livableness, logicalness, losableness, loutishness, lovableness, lumpishness, lustfulness, lyricalness, mannishness, marchioness, massiveness, mawkishness, mindfulness, miserliness, movableness, mundaneness, naturalness, naughtiness, needfulness, nervousness, neutralness, noisomeness, nonbusiness, notableness, nothingness, noxiousness, obliqueness, obscureness, obviousness, odorousness, ominousness, onerousness, ongoingness, operoseness, orderliness, outwardness, painfulness, passiveness, paunchiness, peevishness, 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