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It is the conflict which exists but is not expressed..

When conflict promoting conditions tend to appear. This may also be called phase of anticipation of conflict.

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Q: What is latent conflict?
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How Pondy's Model of the Phases of Organizational Conflict?

A. Latent Conflict-potential B. Perceived Conflict-realizes goals impeded by another party C. Felt Conflict-growing anger D. Manifest Conflict-how to deal with it E. Conflict Aftermath-what would I do differently?

Define perceived conflict?

Perceived Conflict: This is a situation where it becomes aware that one is in conflict with another party. It can block out some conflict. Can perceive conflict when no latent conditions exist? For instance, misunderstanding another person's position on an issue. From : OBINNA AMALAHA.

What are the stages in the development of conflict?

Development of conflict involves 5 consecutive stages. These are latent stage, perceived stage, felt stage, manifest stage and aftermath stage.

What is Pondy's model of organizational conflict?

Pondy's model of Organizational Conflict highlights 5 main steps of conflict progression. These are 1, latent conflict; or the existence of an underlying source of conflict. 2, perceived conflict; or the recognition of this conflict by one or more parties. 3. Felt conflict; or the personalization of the conflict. 4 Manifest conflict where one or more parties engage in covert or overt behaviour to bring about the conflict. And 5. Conflict aftermath where the issues are dealt with satisfactorily and the issue resolves. That's all I know sorry, hope that helps

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