noun 1. a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others. 2. a person who intrudes into a region, field, or trade without proper lincense verb (used without object) in·ter·loped, in·ter·lop·ing 1. to intrude into some region or field of trade without a proper license. 2. to thrust oneself into the affairs of others.
It can be defined as followed. The belief in well being of everyone.
To meddle essentially means: to busy oneself with other people's things or affairs without being asked or needed.
Abstinence is refraining from pleasurable activities or interests in order to discipline oneself especially spiritually.
It depends on what you are absent from.The military it is AWOL ( absent without leave )Your spouse it is desertionYour young children it is neglectA court appearance it is failure to appearSchool it is truancy
Someone who can help others without thinking about oneself and persevere while helping others.
AnswerNetworking oneself, getting to know someone, acquainting oneself with others.
For others, not oneself
Representing oneself in court as "pro per" means acting on behalf of oneself in a legal case, while "pro se" means representing oneself without a lawyer. The key difference is that "pro per" can refer to representing oneself with or without a lawyer's assistance, while "pro se" specifically means representing oneself without a lawyer.
Obtrude means something that is noticeable in an unwelcome or intrusive way. Or to impose (oneself or one's ideas) on others with undue insistence or without invitation.
An example of self-centeredness is constantly talking about oneself without considering the thoughts or feelings of others in a conversation. This behavior often results in the individual dominating discussions and disregarding the perspectives of others.
makes happier others
"I am who I am" typically means accepting and embracing oneself for who they are, without feeling the need to change or conform to others' expectations. It conveys a sense of self-acceptance and authenticity.
By intent : Sacrifice : killing oneself to help others Selfish : killing oneself out of apparent self interest By means : There are many ways to kill oneself or have oneself killed by others Dont forget the dangerous lifestyle choices (self destructive behaviors, picking a risky career etc) which can be viewed as an expression of an intention to die. ----
I couldn't find a definition for the fear of being dependent on oneself, but, to have a fear of dependence on others is Soteriophobia. If we take this to the next logical step, then, the fear of NOT being dependent on others, ergo, fear of dependence on oneself could be Antisoteriophobia