It is abbreviated to the "web".
The abbreviated title for Doctorate in any field is Ph.D.
The word managed can be abbreviated in a couple different ways. These include "man" and "mgd". However, the word managed is not usually abbreviated.
Relative intensity is measured in decibels and is abbreviated dB.
There are currently three different temperature scales that are in use. Degrees Fahrenheit can be abbreviated as oF, degrees Celsius can be abbreviated as oC, and Kelvins can be abbreviated as K.
This is often abbreviated as r.This is often abbreviated as r.This is often abbreviated as r.This is often abbreviated as r.
A micrometer is typically abbreviated as "µm".
It is abbreviated M.N.
It is abbreviated to the "web".
Percent is abbreviated pct. or the sign %
ORG is how organization is abbreviated.
Decibel is abbreviated as "dB."
It is abbreviated to the "web".
Syria is abbreviated as SYR.
Yards is abbreviated as "yd."
Please just give me the abbreviated version.
The state of Idaho is abbreviated as ID.