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Oh, dude, disjointed syntax is like when your sentences are all over the place, like they're not even on speaking terms. It's when your words are like those awkward party guests who just don't flow together. So, yeah, it's basically when your sentences are as organized as a toddler's toy box.

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12y ago

Disjointed syntax is when is the grammatical structure of a sentence has been interrupted

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Disjointed Parallels was created in 1995.

How can you make a sentence with the word disjointed?

"His logic seemed disjointed with the rest of his presentation."

What is a disjointed sentence?

the boy disjointed his arm when he fell off of his skateboard. ;p [: :}:

How do you use the word disjointed in a sentence?

The enactment of the government policy was disjointed and uncoordinated from the very beginning. His disjointed speech left many listeners wondering what he actually meant to say.

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The cast of Disjointed Custody - 2012 includes: Britani Bateman as Mommy

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disjointed timelines

What is the definition of disjointed?

Lacking order or coherence.

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Framented or divided.

Is disjointed a compound word?

Yes, "disjointed" is a compound word formed from the root word "joint." It means something that is disconnected, not properly aligned, or lacking coherence.

How do you prevent syntax in programming?

Not possible; syntax cannot be avoided. (Syntax errors can be though.)

Are HTML tags and syntax the same?

No. Syntax is/are the rules of the language, tags are part of the syntax.