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Q: What is correct spelling of opportunity?
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How do you spell oppourtunity?

The correct spelling is opportunity.

How do you spell opportunity?

That is the correct spelling of "opportunity" (chance, prospect).

Is this the correct spelling to oppurtunities?

No, the correct spelling isopportunities.

How do you spell apportunity?

The correct spelling is "opportunity" (a chance).

Correct spelling of opprtunity?

The correcy way to spell it is opportunity

How do you spell oportunity?

The correct spelling of the word is "opportunity" (chance).

How do you spelle apertounity in freche?

The correct spelling for "opportunity" in French is "opportunité."

How do you spell praspect?

The correct spelling is prospect (an opportunity, or to hunt for gold).

How do you spell opportunties?

The correct spelling, the plural of opportunity, is opportunities (chances, openings).

What is the Canadian spelling of oppourtunity?

Ah, it looks like you're wondering about the Canadian spelling of "opportunity." In Canada, we spell it as "opportunity," just like how it is spelled in the United States. Remember, it's all about embracing those happy little linguistic differences that make our world a more colorful and diverse place.

What is the correct way to spell the word privelidge?

The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.

Is VAXINATE a correct spelling?

No, "VAXINATE" is not a correct spelling. The correct spelling is "VACCINATE."