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articulation is using the 6 parts of your mouth (jaw, lips, tongue, palate, cheeks, and teeth) to send sound waves through air

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differentiate articulation from enunciation?

Another name for joint is?

A "cannabis cigarette" is another term for a joint.

Is allegro an articulation?

No, allegro is a tempo marking versus an articulation.

What is articulation?

Articulation refers to the clear and effective pronunciation of sounds in speech. It involves the movement of the mouth and tongue to produce specific sounds that form words and sentences. Good articulation is essential for effective communication.

What are the examples of the vertical articulation of curriculum?

Examples of vertical articulation of curriculum are; horizontal and vertical articulation. This could include sequential mathematic skills and relating mathematical content.

What is articulation in music?

Articulation is an accent on a note to give it a sharper sound. E.g. staccato, legatonothing

What articulation do you use to play the Bb concert scale?

Whatever articulation your teacher says to use.

What has the author Eugene T McDonald written?

Eugene T. McDonald has written: 'Articulation testing and treatment' -- subject(s): Articulation disorders in children, Articulation disorders, Treatment

Radioulnar articulation can be classified as what type of articulation?

it is one of four options syndesmosis synchondrosis symphysis or Diarthrosis

What voiceless consonant has the same place of articulation as b and the same passive of articulator as?

The voiceless consonant that has the same place of articulation as "b" (bilabial) and the same passive of articulation as "v" (labiodental) is "p."

What are the examples of vertical articulation of curriculum?

To name a few, Tenuto, Marcato, Staccato, Legato, Accent, Trill, Fermata, and Mordent are some examples of articulation.

What is Goldman-fristoe test of articulation Test?

The Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation has been one of the most widely used tests of articulation for many years. The test assesses articulation is words, sentences, and connected speech. It provides information about a child's articulation ability by sampling both spontaneous and imitative sounds. It measures articulation of consonant sounds and determines types of misarticulation. The Sounds-in-Words section is norm-referenced. The Sounds-in-Sentences and Stimulability sections are not norm-referenced.