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The word moral is both an adjective and a noun; example uses:

Adjective: We have a moral obligation to do what we can for the victims.

Noun: The moral of the story is to believe in yourself.

Another noun form is morality.

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12y ago
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14y ago

unethical, bad, morally wrong, wrongful, wicked, evil, foul,unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonorable, dishonest, unconscionable,iniquitous, disreputable, corrupt, depraved, vile, villainous, nefarious,base, miscreant; sinful, godless, impure, unchaste, unvirtuous, shameless,degenerate, debased, debauched, dissolute, reprobate, lewd, obscene,perverse, perverted; licentious, wanton, promiscuous, loose; informalshady, lowdown, crooked, sleazy.

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8y ago

The word 'moral' is both an adjective and a noun.

The noun 'moral' is a word for a lesson to be learned from a story or an experience; the principles of right or wrong behavior that are generally accepted by a society.

A related noun form is morality.

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10y ago

Some other words for moral are righteous, truthful, pure, and good. Some other examples include worthy, scrupulous, correct, and respectable.

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10y ago

As an adjective other words for moral are: ethical, good, right, honest, decent, proper, honorable, just, principled. Moral can also be a noun. Message can be a noun synonym for moral.

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15y ago

Another word for wrong could be independent....Possibly also may be substituted with shocking words such as abrupt, shocking, unbelievable.

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13y ago

wicked, sinful, wrong, indecent, graceless, dishonest, bad, evil

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What is the word for having low moral standards?

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What is another word for moral values?

Depending on the context, 'moral values' could also refer to:- * morality * ethical values * principles * standards * values

What is a six letter word for moral standards?

One would be "clean."

What is moral LAXITY?

A decline or loosenes in ones moral standards. The state of giving in to low moral standards.

What is another word for set of standards?

another word for standard is stand

What parts of speech is this moral and cultural standards?

In the phrase "moral and cultural standards", "moral" and "cultural" are both adjectives, "and" is a coordinate conjunction, and "standards" is a plural noun.

Defention of virtue?

The official definition of the word virtue is "behavior showing high moral standards."

What is moral code?

Moral code is the standards that one lives by. You may live by standards that you set for yourself, or the common standards for your community.

What will you add suffix to the word moral?

The suffix -ity can be added to the adjective 'moral' to form the abstract noun 'morality'.Note: The word 'moral' is an adjective and an abstract noun. The abstract noun 'moral' is a word for the lesson to be learned from a story or an experience; a person's standards of behavior or beliefs; a word for a concept.

Whats Another word for lesson?

Another word for lesson is learned or taught a lesson

What is global diversity?

Global diversity refers to differing moral standards and differing customs from one culture to another.

What is another word for standards of behavior?

conduct ethics