rude, discourteous, abusive, derogatory, offensive, nasty ,
insultED insultING Edit: ^^ both of these are wrong, as they are from a different word. try InsulatION or InsulatOR or even InsulatER
provoked, vexed, insulted
She felt insulted when her colleague made a snide remark about her presentation during the meeting.
well if another girl is the 1 who insulted you then its probably because she knows that she has a better chance with you but she could also be just mean and they do it because thats how they fit in.
. . . . . . . . . .Christy was shameless when she insulted Darlene, who was right in front of her.- S0L. . . . . . . . . .
The tactless man insulted the pregnant woman by calling her fat.
Of course. Everyone gets insulted by someone or other. People can be cruel but the best thing to do is ignore it. You know that they are just trying to hurt you and what they are saying isn't true. Another answer Have you ever been insulted? Of course we all have. But when we have been insulted the other person was right in what they said about you. Also has someone tried to insult you and they could not. They could not insult you because what they said was not correct in describing you. This is all because THE TRUTH HURTS, and when it hurts we are insulted. Now look back time and try to remember when you have been insulted and think if they where right in what they said.
Jonah revealed his asinine tendencies when he rudely insulted the rabbi.
The word crude means rude or offensive. For example: If someone was insulted, someone could say that it was a crude 'remark'.
Yes, Vikings did get insulted if they were called beardless.
The word "Pwned" is similiar to the word "Owned" this is usually said when someone has personally been insulted or beat at a game or object that they did pretty well in.
A hen will get broody when she needs to lay an egg. or Mary can get broody when she thinks she has been insulted.