bliss, blessedness, heaven, happiness, enchantment, delight, enthusiasm
Ecstasy is an illegal drug.She was in a state of sheer ecstasy.
Ecstasy is an English word. It comes from the Greek ekstasis, meaning an out-of-body experience.
I'm in ecstasy when I'm with you. Ecstacy is a kind of drug that is addicting.
She was on ecstasy.
Έκσταση (ecstasy).
because "molly" is another way to refer to the drug ecstasy.
Other words for a heavenly feeling can be rapture or ecstasy.
Ecstasy is an illegal drug.She was in a state of sheer ecstasy.
Ecstasy is an English word. It comes from the Greek ekstasis, meaning an out-of-body experience.
"Ecstasy" is not capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of a title.
There are no definitions for the word estacy. There are many different dictionary definitions for the word ecstasy. A popular definition for ecstasy is rapturous delight.
I'm in ecstasy when I'm with you. Ecstacy is a kind of drug that is addicting.
Ecstasy is spelled the same in French, as it is a borrowed word which has not been translated.
Delirium means sever confusion. It can be caused by fever, medication, shock, some illnesses, drugs or alcohol. Another word for delirium is raving or ecstasy.
In a state of prayerful ecstasy, St. Therese had a vision of Jesus on the cross.His feeling after winning the Super Bowl was one of sheer ecstasy.