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"Canine" applies to animals of the dog family, or related species. Canine is also the name given to a type of human tooth of a structure similar to dogs' teeth. They are also known as "cuspids" or "eyeteeth" and are relatively long and pointed.

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bicuspid, cuspid, dent, dentation,denticle, dentile, eyetooth, fang, grinder, incisor,ivory, laniary, molar, point, premolar, serration, snag, tine, tusk, afghan, airedale, akita, basset, beagle, bowwow, dachshund, man's best friend, mongrel, mutt, pointer, pooch, poodle, retriever, chow, coyote, cur, dingo, fox, hound, hyena,lobo, mutt, pooch, pup, wolf, animal, coxcomb, dandy, dog, fop, pup, whelp.

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Q: What is the synonym of canine?
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What is the synonym of pooch?

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What is a synonym for dog?

A hound, a puppy or a canine

Is dog a synonym or antonym?

As opposed to what? A synonym is something that means the same thing: a synonym to 'dog' would be 'canine'. An antonym is something that means the opposite of: the antonym of 'dog' would be 'cat'.

Why do we use canine to mean dogs and why isn't there a synonym for it?

We actually do not know linguistically where "dog" comes from, although it is likely a derivative of Germanic words for strength. The Germanic word, which would have been used would have been "hund" from which have "hound". The Latin word was "canis" from which we have "canine", as in "dog-like". The fact that English was a hybrid of Germanic words and Latin words means that we have words that are very similar in meaning but very different in sound.As for the lack of a synonym for canine, we do have one: dog-like. Dog-like is simply far less popular than canine."Canine" actually means "doglike" or "pertaining to dogs". It comes from the Latin word "canus" which means a dog. Thus we have "canine teeth" (teeth which look like dogs' teeth) or "canine patrols" (patrols which use dogs) or "canine hospitals" (hospitals for dogs) and so on. Sometimes it is used as a facetious synonym for "dog", although wolves and foxes are also canine animals and are sometimes called "canines".Obviously there are synonyms for "canine". "Dog" and "doglike" spring to mind.

Is a horse a canine?

No. A horse is not a canine. A canine is a dog.

When canine develop?

when does canine develop

What is a synonym for hound?

The noun hounds has synonyms dogs, canines, or mutts. The verb "to hound" is to pester, to harass, or to nag

What word to use instead of another?

I think you mean something like "What is the word for a word that we can use instead of another word, because it has nearly the same meaning, for example, suppose I want another word for 'dog', and I speak of a 'canine', or I want another word for 'shout' and I say 'yell'". The word for such a word is "synonym". We say that "yell" is a synonym for "shout" and of course, "shout" is a synonym for "yell".

How do you use canine in a sentence?

"My dog needs special canine medicine." "I have a cavity in my canine tooth."

How can you use canine in sentence?

A member of the canine family.

Is a coyote a canine?

Yes, the coyote is in the canine family.