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Emory Davis

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Q: What is another name for the anticipated length of persons life?
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What is another name for the anticipated length of a person and life?

Another term for the anticipated length of a person's life is "life expectancy."

What is another name for the anticipated length of a person's life?


Which is another name for the anticipation length of a person's life?

The anticipated length of a person's life could be called the lifespan of that person.

Which is another name for the anticipated lenght of a person's life?

Life expectancy

What means the length of a persons life?

the amount of time between a persons birth and a persons death

Who writes a story of a persons life by another person?

an author

How people get along with one another?

can improve a persons personal life.

How could the word persons be used in a sentence?

If you recall lessons that help you through life; don't ever touch another persons' stuff, especially another man's wife.

What is an account of a persons life written by anathor person?

An account of somebody's life written by another person is called a biography.

Do you have new life after you die?

No. But you could only rip out your heart and put it in another persons body.

How can being ambitious change a persons life?

they can be confident and then people might see another side of them

In an autobiography sometimes the author discusses events from another persons life in addition to his or her own This is referred to as?
