Original Text: Worker, or laborer.
Edited and Improved Version:
~Edited By Jaimie Littlefield.
Yes, the noun 'employee' is a common noun, a general word for any person working for another person or a business firm for pay.
An ex employee is also more formally known as a former employee. This term infers that this person was once employed by your workplace, but by any number of extenuating circumstances, he or she is no longer.
Another name for a base is Alkali.
Another name for the sweetbriar is eglantine.
employee, hireling, jobholder
Another name for the clocks that are used for clocking in is the time clock, or employee time clock. The time clock is an employee time tracking system.
a government employee
Unemployee hotel
Your Work Life Plan
can an hourly employee Team Leader write up another hourly employee
Rude and insulting
NO, they do not.
RDBMS is the acronym for Relational DataBase management indicating that the datastores, the tables are related to each other. Take the case of an employee table - the employee details like his employee number, name and address are stored there. Take another table, salary where the employee's salary is stored. The link or the relation between these two is the employee number that is used to uniquely identify the employee.
A response letter to another employee should state that the manager spoke to the employee about their unprofessional behavior. The letter should also tell the employee that they can communicate with them further if there are more problems.
You can be fired for asking another Employee to clock you in while being in the parking lot.