These words are not related in any way. Inspiration means the spark behind an idea. Expression is the way a person looks on their face; the way a person communicates.
Its actually a French expression - idee fixe which means a fixed idea, an obsession.
An idea comes up would be the normal expression.
a unifying idea or an undercurrent of meaning that moves through a form of expression.
Its actually a French expression - idee fixe which means a fixed idea, an obsession.
These words are not related in any way. Inspiration means the spark behind an idea. Expression is the way a person looks on their face; the way a person communicates.
Its actually a French expression - idee fixe which means a fixed idea, an obsession.
No, the correct expression is either "discuss" or "talk about." "Discuss about" is redundant as both words convey the idea of engaging in conversation or exchanging ideas about a topic.
Merger Doctrine
An idea comes up would be the normal expression.
a unifying idea or an undercurrent of meaning that moves through a form of expression.
An expression is a word or phrase used to convey a specific idea or feeling, while an idiom is a group of words with a meaning different from the literal interpretation of the words used. Idioms are culturally specific and may not make sense when translated directly.
In the study of GWF Hegel, an absolute idea is the spiritual principle of which reality is the expression.
an artwork
This is usually called the expression of the idea. I can't protect my idea for a movie, but I can protect my script.