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That is a sentence using the word troops.
This is an example sentence using the word you asked about. I gave the customer a small sample to give them an example of what we can do. To set an example I demonstrated exactly how to do the job.
Analogy is basically the comparison of more than 1 thing. A good sentence for this word would be, her analogy between the jeans helped her decide which ones to purchase.
Example sentence - It is easy to laugh with her.
write a sentence using convey tell me
An analogy is an example made in a sentence comparing one thing to another. Such as "life is like a race."
If you make an analogy between two things, you show they are alike in some and my friend are a analogy
An analogy refers to a comparison between two things, usually as a point of clarification. A sample sentence is: "An analogy between his mother and a pig is certainly amusing".
An analogy is like a similie in that I'm making one right now.
her voice was clear as a bell.
Analogy means to compare two things that are similar. For example, an analogy for heart would be a pump. This is because they are similar and do the same thing.
use the definition of analogy in a sentence!
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.
He devised a new technique using his technologies. This is an example of sentence using devised.
This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!
Fred often resorted to a tired sports analogy when trying to motivate his staff.I see no analogy between yourproblem and mine.
An association analogy is a type of analogy where the relationship between two words or phrases is based on a relationship between two other words or phrases. For example, "doctor is to stethoscope as chef is to spatula" - in this analogy, the first item is known for using or having the second item in common.