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16y ago
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Everyone wants to lead a better life


Children are exposed to too much violence these days

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12y ago

These are some good examples of sentenced analogy


Person is to president like planet is to galaxy.

Walk is to run as noise is to silence.

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16y ago

kiss flowers

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My daughter loves everything I do.

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Q: What is an example sentence using analogy?
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What is an example of using analogous in a sentence?

An analogy is an example made in a sentence comparing one thing to another. Such as "life is like a race."

A sentence for analogy using the word analogy?

If you make an analogy between two things, you show they are alike in some and my friend are a analogy

Sentence using analogy?

An analogy refers to a comparison between two things, usually as a point of clarification. A sample sentence is: "An analogy between his mother and a pig is certainly amusing".

A sentence using the word analogy?

An analogy is like a similie in that I'm making one right now.

Which sentence gives the best example of an analogy?

her voice was clear as a bell.

A sentence with the word analogy?

Analogy means to compare two things that are similar. For example, an analogy for heart would be a pump. This is because they are similar and do the same thing.

How is analogy used in a sentence?

use the definition of analogy in a sentence!

What is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast?

This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.

What is an example sentence using the word devised?

He devised a new technique using his technologies. This is an example of sentence using devised.

What is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening?

This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!

What is a sentence using analogy?

Fred often resorted to a tired sports analogy when trying to motivate his staff.I see no analogy between yourproblem and mine.

What is an association analogy and does anyone have an example?

An association analogy is a type of analogy where the relationship between two words or phrases is based on a relationship between two other words or phrases. For example, "doctor is to stethoscope as chef is to spatula" - in this analogy, the first item is known for using or having the second item in common.