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Identity is being who or what a person or thing is. So a man who is born a woman and has successfully transformed herself into a woman would be consider achieving ones identity. Another way achieving one identity could be looked at is if you were born knowing you would be a doctor, and have always though of yourself as a doctor. Finally becoming a doctor would be achieving your identity.

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Q: What is an example of identity achievement?
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identity achievement......

What is the difference between identity achievement and identity diffusion?

Identity achievement refers to individuals who have successfully explored different options and have made commitments to specific values and goals, leading to a strong sense of identity. Identity diffusion, on the other hand, describes individuals who have not yet explored options or made commitments, resulting in confusion and lack of direction in terms of identity development.

What are some identity achievement songs?

This would largely depend on the achievement made. There is a song for just about everything one can think of.

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Give an example of an achievement that you are proud of, either at school or in your working life?

How can you use achievement in a sentence?

Example- My greatest achievement was when i won the 8th grade chess tournament.

Which is the closest synonym for the word accomplishment?

Achievement is an example.

What statement is an example of the Identity Property of Multiplication?

1 is the identity element of multiplication.

What is an example of identity property?

0 is the additive identity for numbers and the identity property is illustrated by 1+0 = 1

An example of identity?

An example of identity could be someone defining themselves as a feminist. This identity encompasses their beliefs, values, and actions in support of gender equality and women's rights, shaping how they interact with the world and others around them.

What is an identity property?

The identity property is when a factor in an multiplication problem keeps its identity for example= eight times one equals eight (the eight keeps its identity)

How do you use the achievement command in minecraft 1.7.2?

It depends on the achievement. For example, if you wanted to get the achievement "Time To Mine!" you would type in /achievement give achievement.buildPickaxe For the next achievement "Hot Topic" you would type in achievement give achievement.buildFurnace The achievements are based on what you need to do in order to accomplish them. Just like for the first achievement "Taking Inventory: you type in /achievement give achievement.openInventory Hope this helped!

Additive identity example?

The additive identity property states that any number plus zero is that number. For example: 5 + 0 = 5.