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till death do us apart...

they were married but after he lost his job, they drifted apart.

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8y ago

The couple drifted apart due to issues with trust.

Apart from pineapples, Pears are my favourite fruit.

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Q: What is an example of a sentence with the word apart?
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Can you give me sentence with word apart?

This example will set you apart!

How do you use the word apartment in a sentence?

You can use the word 'Apart' in a sentence by using a comma. (Example) We went on most of the rides at Alton Towers today, apart from Nemesis and Ripsaw. Or you can use it without a comma. (Example) We pulled the loaf of bread apart and all four of us had our own piece.

Is the word apart a preposition?

Yes, "apart" is a preposition when it is used to indicate a separation or distance between objects or individuals. For example, in the sentence "The two friends sat apart from each other," "apart" functions as a preposition.

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An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!

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