the easy way to remember circumference is to remember circle the CIRCumference measures the distance around a CIRCle
The easy way to remember is this little saying: Edward Died In November Buried under Robert Grahams House.
AN easy way
ele~p.h.a.n.t just remember ele then spell plant and change the L to a H. eleplant~elephant
Success Here is an easy way to remember how to spell "Success" double the C double the S and you'll always have Success
the easy way to remember circumference is to remember circle the CIRCumference measures the distance around a CIRCle
The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.To remember the spelling of "measure":Me - A - Sure
make up names
The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.To remember the spelling of "ironing":Ir - on - ing /or/ Iron - ing
just revise it over and over in your head! There is no real way to remember it other than to just keep revising!
AM is an abbreviation of the Latin ante meridiem. The Latin word meridies means noon or midday.PM is an abbreviation for post meridiem.An easy way to remember the two abbreviations is: AM = After Midnight; PM = Prior to Midnight, or Pre-Midnight.During World War One the British Army Corps of Signals converted the abbreviations AM and PM to Ack Emma and Pip Emma as part of their military communications alphabet, or 'spelling alphabet'.
King Hecter Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk
Cherry Pie is delicious.C= πd
Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants
The mitochondria. easy way to remember this is the mighty mitochondria.
It always falls between 16 and 18