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An abstract universal is a universal proposition in logic.

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Q: What is an abstract universal?
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What is the specific meaning of concept?

An abstract general conception; a notion; a universal.

What is the name of the tacism god?

I don't think there is a personal god, but a more abstract concept of a universal Way.

What did Socrates say about reality?

Socrates believed in the concept of the "theory of forms," which posits that reality is made up of abstract universal forms that exist beyond the physical world. He emphasized the pursuit of knowledge and self-examination to uncover these universal truths and gain a deeper understanding of reality.

Is a noun concrete or abstract?

A noun is a name of a person, animal, thing or event. This name can either be concrete or abstract. a concrete noun names something or someone that one can share universal agreement about its specific meaning and existence. To say that a thing is a book (that is a name hence a noun) will likely have most others agreeing. The same will go for a dog or a computer or even a graduation ceremony. We can experience them with our senses. sight, hearing and touch. on the overhand if one lables something honesty or love or prejudice, there could be much contradiction as to the accuracy of the statement. Much of this is too subjective to enjoy universal agreement. This then is an abstract noun.

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Where are some places one can buy abstract wall art?

Painting is a universal art form that most people enjoy. If one plans to buy abstract wall art, one should check deals out online or go to a local retail/second-hand shop and try and find art that suits one's own style.

Is generosity an abstract nouns?

Yes, generosity is an abstract noun.Yes, generosity is an abstract noun.

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Is astonishment an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.

What is the abstract noun for criticize?

The abstract noun is criticism.