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Q: What is an Antonym for government?
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What word is an antonym of government?


What is the antonym for the word hierarchy?

Heterarchy. "Anarchy" is the antonym of rule-of-law, and describes a specific political state where there is an absence of government.

What are synonyms and antonyms of limited government?

An antonym for the term limited government is interventionist government. Federalism can be considered a synonym of the term limited government.

What is an antonym for democracy?

Dictatorship. (Dictatorship:A Person with all government control.)

What is the antonym for government?

Anarchy .

What is the synonym and antonym for judiciary?

Some synonyms for judiciary include "judicial," "legal," and "court." One antonym is "non-judiciary." With respect to branches of government, antonyms might include "legislature" or "legislative" and "executive."

What is an antonym of totalitarianism?

Democracy is an antonym of totalitarianism. While totalitarianism is a form of government with total control by one person or governing body, democracy is a system of government where power is vested in the people.

What is antonym of the word synonym?

The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.

What is antonym for synonym?

An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.

What is an antonym for veranda?

what is an antonym for veranda?what is an antonym for veranda?

What is an antonym for 'from'?

The antonym for from is to. Because antonym means opposite.

What is the antonym for when?

now ____________ The word when does not have an antonym. Not every word has an antonym.