The abbreviation for the singular month is mo. The abbreviation for the plural months is mos.
The conventional abbreviation for the month of March is "Mar." In some contexts where space is tight, a one- or two-letter abbreviation is used for each month, but that is not standard practice.
The abbreviation "ult." stands for the Latin "ultimo," or last-a date last month, during the preceding month. The abbreviation "ult" is often found in pre-1900 correspondence and in other early sources
Mon.The abbreviation of month is written as mth. Writing or typing abbreviations of words is useful when taking notes, as it is quicker than writing out the whole word.
The abbreviation for the singular month is mo. The abbreviation for the plural months is mos.
Mo is the correct abbreviation of month if used in a singular form. Mos. is the plural abbreviation of month.
The conventional abbreviation for the month of March is "Mar." In some contexts where space is tight, a one- or two-letter abbreviation is used for each month, but that is not standard practice.
'Jan' is a common abbreviation for the month 'January', which is named after 'Janus', the Roman god of doorways.
No, the month of May already has a short enough name not to need an abbreviation.
The abbreviation "ult." stands for the Latin "ultimo," or last-a date last month, during the preceding month. The abbreviation "ult" is often found in pre-1900 correspondence and in other early sources