your feelings
any adjective could potentially be used for the word describe, but probably if describe was in a different form, such as describing. Then anything really ''could'' be used to describe describe. Examples: mysterious describing happy describing do you get the idea? good.
No adverbs can describe you. The word you is a pronoun, and adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
firm, soft, lumpy, hard, flat
There are many including: Rectangular. Single. Double. Soft. Firm. Foam. Memory Foam. Feather. Latex. Any colour could be used as an adjective for a mattress.
One word to describe your feelings for a person could be loving.
The prefix "un-" can be put in front of the word "describe" to create the word "undescribe."
"Hot" (as in year-round climate) could describe Somalia.
your feelings
The Luhya translation of the English word 'mattress' is "Omukotsoro".
I would describe her as caring.The police asked the witness to describe the suspect.
One of the best words to describe Jean Stapleton might be talented. You could also use the word funny to describe her.