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Helios was the Greek god of the sun. The word is sometimes used for the sun, in the word "heliocentric" (sun-centred) for example.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Greek word, helios, means "sun".

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What is the Latin word for 'sunflower'?

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What is latin word for helium?

The Latin word for helium is "helium." It is the same in both Latin and English.

What is helium in Latin name?

Do you mean how to say 'Helium' in Latin? If so, there is no Latin word for it- the elements were not discovered during the time that the language was created of used. The word 'Helium' is, however, born from the Latin word "Helios" which is the name of the Latin sun god.

Why was helium named after Helios the sun god?

Helium was named after Helios, the sun god, because it was first discovered in the spectrum of sunlight during a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. The name Helium comes from the Greek word "helios," which means sun.

What is the root of Helios?

The root of Helios is "hel-" which means sun in Greek.

What is the origin of the word Helios?

The word "Helios" originates from ancient Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Helios was the god of the sun, often represented as a charioteer driving the sun across the sky each day.

What are selenium helium and tellurium named after?

Selenium is named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Helium is named after the Greek god of the sun, Helios. Tellurium is named after the Latin word for earth, "tellus."

What is the greek word for helium?

Helios, meaning the sun

What is the origin of heliums name?

Helium's name comes from the Greek word "helios," which means sun. Helium was first discovered in the Sun through its spectral lines before it was found on Earth.

Why was helium named like that?

Helium was first discovered in the sun spectroscopically. It get its name from the Greek word, Helios, meaning "the sun".

Where did helium get it name?

from the greek god of the suncalled Helios

What language is Helios?

Helios comes from Latin.